Today’s business professionals are working cross-border more effectively in an increasingly complex global environment. Business cultures vary country to country, and as a business professional it is expected to be knowledgeable of the traditions of each country you do business with. The Office of Commercial and Business Affairs (CBA) assist the State Department in the successful development of American businesses overseas. CBA also focuses on promoting a vibrant ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation.
The following country analysis is focused on the styles of business communication in Australia, officially named the Commonwealth of Australia, and how their culture relates and differs to the United States traditions. Australian business communication styles are quite similar to the style of business communication that is conducted in the United States. Australia is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent. The polyglot nation has over 100 languages being used. Of the various languages, English is the official and most common language spoken.
The U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheet indicates Australia to be a main ally and essential partner to the United States and that they have a healthy relationship due to the mutual democratic values, shared interests, and cultural similarities. Once the countries allied, the United States and Australia participated in key World War II battles, including the Battles of the Coral Sea, Midway, and
Australia’s presence in the ANZUS and SEATO alliances has been very important in our past. The ANZUS agreement which involved Australia, New Zealand and The United States said that they would “*come to one another’s aid in the event of an attack*” (Retro Active 2 p166 paragraph 1). This was formed in 1951. The SEATO alliance (South-East Asia Collective Defense Treaty), which was the one our involvement in Vietnam was based around involved Australia, Britain, United States, France and New Zealand. They all agreed that they would help protect Laos, Cambodia,
Australia is considered among important allies of United States. In the Vietnam war Australia sent a force of 50 000. Being situated in Southern Hemisphere of Southeast Asia, Australia has to face exceptional defense challenges much more than neighboring partner. Historically Australia seems to be willing to accept the major role in military interventions in the surrounding area as can be seen in East Timor.
The major event resulting in the USA becoming such a prominent figure relationship-wise to Australia is what is known as the Battle of the Coral Sea. In May 1942 Japan’s naval force tried to take Port Moresby, the last line of defence before Australia itself. However the United States naval force in conjunction with the Australian ships, Australia and Hobart, forced the
One of the main reasons Australia went to war was the call to help from the alliances we had previously made, especially those regarding the American forces. This is shown in the book ‘War For Asking’ by Micheal Sexton in which Allan Renouf states, “to achieve such an habitual closeness of relations with the United States and sense of mutual alliance that in our time of need, after we have shown all reasonable restraint and good sense, the United States would have little option but to respond as we would want”. As a consequence it became obvious that if we wanted to keep good ties with
The US-Australian alliance requires some explanation. At its basis, it pertains to the ANZUS treaty signed between Australia, New Zealand, and the
The United States was a far greater military power than Australia and Australia were reliant on them for protection from the aggression of other nations as per ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand and United States Security Treaty). The treaty bound the nations to co-operate on military matters in the Pacific and as Australia had benefited greatly from the United States’ assistance in WWII, military support was reciprocated from Australia in the Vietnam War. Australia essentially had its hands bound as, if it refused to assist in the United States’ military exploits in Vietnam, there was a fear that Australia would be without U.S. assistance leaving it vulnerable. This sentiment was echoed by Australian Ambassador in Washington Allan Renhuof in Source A, “Our Objective should be…to achieve such an habitual closeness of relations with the United States and sense of mutual alliance that in our time of need, after we have shown all reasonable restraint and good sense, the United States would have little option but to respond as we would want”. The Australian government understood this as an opportunity to show its commitment to the alliance with the United States which would pay dividends for many years to come as its national security would be in a far stronger position with the assistance of the United States and a dire one without it. The opportunity for Australia to
Firstly, there is concern regarding the responsibilities we have placed upon ourselves as an Ally. Although we are not obligated to join the US in war, we are consistently following them into overseas conflicts that we otherwise have no interest in. As it currently stands, Australia has fought in numerous wars alongside the United States in the years since the conception of the ANZUS treaty, and we are yet to win one. Australia appears to be under the impression that we are under the military protection of the US, and this is often stated as a reason for maintaining close ties with the global power. This is simply not the case; our partnership does not force either party to come to the aid of the other. The United States will not come to our defence in the case of a conflict unless it is within their own interests.
As earlier on stated in the previous memo, the company considers undertaking business exercises in the country of Australia. Therefore, it is necessary to practice the best research on the manner in which various communication aspects have an influence on the way that business is conducted in Australia. Therefore, in this letter I am going to discuss the different effects of communication in the country and how we can use the tools of communication to improve our company actions in the country.
The United States of America is Australia’s most important ally today. When considering what makes an ally so great, we must take into consideration a number of factors. Defence, trade, diplomatic and relationships with other countries. This essay will look at why The United States of America (U.S.) is Australia’s strongest Ally.
The last few decades has seen the increase of Australia’s position and influence around the world. This is due to the joint operations and activities that the Australian and American army participates in. The significance of joint training operations creates an ideal position for Australia in terms of security and integration. As well as this, the US has a powerful and technologically advanced military base. Australia benefits from this alliance as it provides resources for personnel performance and military equipment, which would otherwise by
I’m pleased to inform you that our company would like to offer a wellness program to you and your spouse as a birthday gift. Our wellness program is all about investing in your health and helping you live a healthier lifestyle and make better choices. We believe that healthier the employee and his or her family happier he or she is and a happier employee can serve our customers better and help our company prosper.
Business communication requires avenues through which leaders, management, and workers communicate. It also requires the communication process between an organization and its partners, as well as the customers. In business communication, it is vital for an organization to develop a communication channel that is not only efficient and effective, but one that relays positive messages. Positive messages are crucial in developing good relationships with the employees, business partners, and customers. Research shows that we actually comprehend a positive statement 30 to 40 percent faster than we do a negative statement, our mind literally has to unscramble negative messages to determine the meaning (Simoneaux &Stroud, 2014). There is a power in using positive messages, a strategy in building relationships and producing positive results. When using positive messaging it is beneficial to use the 5 S’s, and goodwill messaging. The 5 S’s are; selfless, specific, sincere, spontaneous, and short. This paper looks into the effects of positive messaging, with an emphasis on goodwill messages, and the 5 S’s.
Communication – verbal and otherwise – remains an important dimension of international management, and there are different communication styles, how communication is processed and interpreted, and how culture and language influence communication and miscommunication (Luthans & Doh, 2012).
Business communication can be defined as the process of sharing information among business professionals, prospective customers, and affiliates who are associated with an organization. The essential skills of business communications are currently in demand and highly required for the workforce for the modern workforce. To be an effective communicator is to have the ability to respond with skill, confidence, and assertiveness and is pertinent to the quality and expertise business professionals considered for employment. Hence, knowing how to communicate properly in an organizational structure requires the skill of communication necessary to interact with different levels of management. In a world
Business communication is abound in today's society. The ability to communicate has always had its advantages, with its rich history, and traditions, modern business communication is valued as a modern day concept. Business executives rate the ability of business communication skills as among the personal factors necessary in gaining a job. As stated by Hynes (2005)” effective business communication is the key to planning, leading, organizing, and controlling the resources of the organizations to achieve objectives” (Conrad & Newberry, 2011, p112). This essay will examine what business communication skills is needed for the process of graduating in Westminster Business School, while giving recommendations in studying