
Positive Messages On Business Communication

Good Essays

Positive Messages in Business Communication
Business communication requires avenues through which leaders, management, and workers communicate. It also requires the communication process between an organization and its partners, as well as the customers. In business communication, it is vital for an organization to develop a communication channel that is not only efficient and effective, but one that relays positive messages. Positive messages are crucial in developing good relationships with the employees, business partners, and customers. Research shows that we actually comprehend a positive statement 30 to 40 percent faster than we do a negative statement, our mind literally has to unscramble negative messages to determine the meaning (Simoneaux &Stroud, 2014). There is a power in using positive messages, a strategy in building relationships and producing positive results. When using positive messaging it is beneficial to use the 5 S’s, and goodwill messaging. The 5 S’s are; selfless, specific, sincere, spontaneous, and short. This paper looks into the effects of positive messaging, with an emphasis on goodwill messages, and the 5 S’s.
Goodwill Messages In business, companies normally experience internal and external pressures that may keep them from making various goals. For instance, a company may fail to repay its loans on time, or fail to pay its workers as required. It is also common for companies to make late deliveries of products to the

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