
The Importance Of College Education

Decent Essays

From the time students enter high school they are conditioned to believe the only good educational option for successful people is a college or university. Regrettably, many families are unprepared or unable to send their child to a four-year college or university. Compounded by societal use of media, testing, and advising, students are led to believe a college education resulting in a degree is necessary for employment and success.
Additionally, families believe community college, technical college, or trade certifications are less desirable, less valuable, and lead to unsuccessful occupations. These negative connotations motivate families into debt to achieve the implied “status” that comes with a student graduating with a degree. Unfortunately, this premise does not consider a student's learning style, the type of learning environment, or a student’s interest or success.
With the continual rise in the cost of a university or college education, the drop-out rate of college freshman, and society’s increased need for service or technical occupations; how realistic is the University or College path for the average American student? Accordingly, all of societal occupations do not require a university education. Various occupations mandate specialized training and/or certification that come from community or technical colleges.
Unfortunately, every person isn't four-year college material. As a matter of fact, two-thirds of the freshman population each year drops out before ever making it to the sophomore year in college. What happens to students who drop out of a four-year college? According to David Beltrán many students that drop out wind up at fast-food counters and construction jobs. Mr. Beltrán says he probably wouldn’t have gone to college full time if he hadn’t received a Pell grant and financial aid to defray the costs. He also talks about many rumors of how people struggling under an unbearable burden of student loans. Those left out of higher education would have fewer employment options than they do today. “A common way to track the value of going to college is to estimate a college earnings premium, which are the amount college graduates earning relative to high school graduates”. Mary C.

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