
The Importance Of College Students In College

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To become successful, we have to learn for ourselves. By we I mean college students and students that about to enter college. College is a new environment in which we are given a form of self responsibility that we have never experienced before. Many parents realize this, but not every parent wants to give their child the freedom that comes along with college. Parents may think they are doing a great job by watching their kids every move, solving their problems for them, and making sure their grades are where they need to be, but their not. “Helicopter parents” are correlated with their kids having poor mental health which is leading to depression, fear of failure, and failure to cope with the new situations they are encountering every day. Parent’s need to learn to let go of their kids and let them face the new amenities of college on their own. Sending your kids off to college is a moment parents long for, but it is also a moment parents dread because they know that it is a start to a lot of freedom and decision making. Some parents drop their kids off at college and don't know how to let go. An example of this would be when a student told Dean Bill Deresiewicz when “she forgot to call her father to report on how that went, and when she returned to her dorm later that evening her uncle was in the dorm lobby looking visibly uncomfortable about having to “force” her to call her dad to update him. Later this student told me, ‘I pretty much had a panic attack from the lack

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