
The Importance Of Communication Channels

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In order for a person to interact seamlessly with the people around him or her, there is need to send messages that express his or her thoughts and ideas to others who may be interested in receiving such messages. The very definition of communication means that the message has to be formulated, composed, encoded, transmitted, received, decoded and interpreted for the process of communication to be considered to be complete (Fiske, 2010). Since messages have to be encoded into written text, digital data, speech, gestures, pictures and other forms before being sent, it is clear that the media through which a message is sent determines both the type and quality of message (Dominick, 2010). For instance, sending written text messages results in the loss of the visual aspects of communication including gestures, body language and other aspects that include the quality and completeness of communication. Based on the differences among various communication channels including auditory, tactile, visual, haptic, electromagnetic, olfactory, and biochemical, different communication channels are more useful for sending different types of messages (Schiffer, 2002). In the same way, different classes of social networking websites are useful for sending messages of different types, hence their various classifications.
Increased widespread access to internet connectivity, as well as the development of faster, more efficient connected devices like smartphones has resulted in far-reaching

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