
The Importance Of Democracy In Democracy

Decent Essays

American democracy supply its citizens with the most freedom, the most opportunity, the greatest success, and the most comfortable life. A high number of Americans have lost faith in their democracy. In 1988, United States democratic party was 33%. In 2014, it decreased to 29%. For more democratic to gain their faith, the democracy have to improve. The humanities can solve this problem by starting with itself. Improving education, improving oneself as a human being, improving healthcare and improving economics growth.

Education can help people participate in democracy in different ways, including providing them with literacy and other skills to enable them to take action in political discussions and to be able to get political information through the media easily. Education promotes good governance by giving citizens the confidence and skills they need to become active members of their society and hold their governments responsible, therefore we need more people in higher-class occupations. Education reduces poverty, help economic growth, leads to better health and promotes gender equality.

Everyone should come together to enhance themselves as a human being. This action is will be very challenging, but possible. If everyone will take the time out to compliment themselves, stop making excuses, let go of anger, practice forgiveness, be honest, be helpful, listen to others, be respectful, educate themselves, and more, there will be massive number of civilized

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