
The Importance Of Education In College

Satisfactory Essays

I am writing to provide justification as to why I didn't meet the criteria of passing at least 71 % of my classes. The reason I did not meet the criteria was because Spring 2017 I failed all my classes due to medical reasons. Before the Spring School Semester started, I took a family vacation to my hometown Colima Mexico. I arrived to Colima on January 8,2017 and returned home on January 23,2017. Once I was in Colima, I started feeling ill, around 01/15/2017, I went to the doctor and I had an “Air-Borne Virus” similar to ZIKA called CHIKUNGUNYA. I was real sick, I had high fevers, muscle joint pains and body rashes. I was under the doctor's treatment for 5 days because I had to come back to the United States, because school was …show more content…

In Fall 2015, I didn't pass my Math 093 class, but I didn't give up because I am a warrior, Spring 2016 I would go everyday to the math tutoring lab located in Bayramian hall retook the class and passed it. Fall 2016, I didn't pass Ceramics ART 267, but I plan to take it in the near future as it's not a mandatory course. Math 103 with the Lab I also didn't pass in Fall 2016, but now that I have changed my major from Business Management to Recreational Tourism Management, I will take it again as an elective. Spring 2017 I didn’t pass Coms 356, but I have plans to take it again Fall 2017, as it's a double count class for my major.Mus 105 which i didn’t pass in Spring 2017 is also on my list for Fall 2017. CH S 245 and URBS 150 which I also didn’t pass my last semester Spring 2017 are in my to do list for Spring 2018.I am also in the process of doing a retroactive withdraw for Spring 2017 Semester.

I am serious and committed to improving my academic performance here at CSUN. One way I have demonstrated my dedication is by attending a SAP Appeal Workshop to get support through this process. I have further met with the Director of EOP Shiva Parsa, who is also helping me through this hard process in my life and mentoring me. Ms. Gina Gonzalez from Resilient Scholar is helping me also by guiding me towards help and tutoring. I am currently taking two summer courses at Glendale Community College through a special program EOP is hosting there.

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