
Fall Term Analysis

Decent Essays

It has been a difficult journey for my first year at Western to where I understood that I will lose my financial aid and my scholarship after spring term. In fall term I thought that I would start a new lifestyle where I can get away from my families issues. My family has been my priority with school since the outcome of my parent’s separation and the financial struggle that my father had to face. However, the issues my family had has followed me to school where it took me away from my school work. I have failed most of my classes fall term and I knew that I can’t afford another mistake. I made it a goal to make sure that I don’t make the same mistake that I did for fall term. I passed most of my classes except for math because of how I wouldn’t asked the professor for of …show more content…

Me and her calculated to having 20 credits for the following term. I thought that having that amount of credit was a lot to handle, but I was determined to try to do it. I was willing to do anything to try to keep my scholarship and financial aid because that’s been helping me pay for my books and tuition. Close to the end of the term. I was struggling with one class because of the amount of homework load I had in one class. I decided to talk to the professor, Dean Braa, and he said that I would not be able to pass the class and be given an F. I knew then that I couldn’t afford to get another F in my transcript when I was already trying to make up for the other F in Writing 135. After careful consideration, I decided to drop the class with a W. However, I was 3 credits short and I knew right there that I lost my scholarship and financial aid; I was devastated. I went back to talking to Sheree about what had happened and she discussed about how there is still a chance to appeal for my scholarship. I’m hoping that this coming up fall term I can do better in time management and

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