
The Importance Of Effective Leadership

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Engaging with a system in order to transform it requires two steps, how the system is being interpreted and the implementation of an intervention. By enacting these tools the status quo of the organization is being challenged because of the vision that is had for the organization through adaptive leadership. Acknowledging what is true and what else is possible are the starting questions to take on this transformation. In order to push an organization/situation further than just fixing a problem by looking at it through solution driven thinking, does not maintain an environment for needs to be met. By putting vulnerabilities, beliefs, values and needs on the table, people have something to lose and when this intersects with a want for …show more content…

Questions to shift this thinking would include, “What other organization could be facing similar conflicts, why?”, and “What could have caused this avoidance to occur?”. Therefore, my interpretations of this is that people avoid engaging with Israel Club members because of perceived understandings of Israel Clubs mission, therefore a look at the system that Israel Club exists in, is needed in order to identify the route of the representation. Another unproductive interpretation is that there is a belief that if Israel Club solely enacts programs on positive things about Israel, the climate on campus will shift in it’s favor. This interpretation ignores all commentary and criticism on both Israel Club and Israel. Some questions I have to shift this narrative is, “Why can we not talk about Israel negatively and still support it? And what is the system that is refraining us from doing so?”. The lack of ability to criticize Israel is a systemic issue that needs to be grappled with. Criticizing when done correctly, is essentially just calling on something to be better, because you believe it can be. Lastly, that Israel Club and Hillel need to work together and be a team. This is viewed because of the Hillel organizations consistent support of Israel and basic requirement of Israel acceptance. Some questions I have on this position are, how could both organizations be hurt by this interweaving of goals? Could either group receive more or less involvement by severing ties

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