
The Importance Of Environmentalism In Buddhism

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Currently in the world there has been a lack of ways to rationalize protecting the environment leading to the use of religion as the background for justification. Buddhism is positively seen as an economic friendly religion by most people are wound the world, although some concepts are not clear in this sense. Buddhism, especially engaged Buddhism, is congruous with environmental advocacy because of different Buddhism doctrines and a Buddhists’ compassion for all sentient beings.
The origin of Buddhism does not say a lot about the ethics of the environment, but understanding the religion it is clear that it is compatible greatly with environmental views. For example, Stephanie Kaza in here Buddhist environmental activist piece said “Though the history of Buddhist environmentalism is short, it has as its substance bright minds suggesting new ways to look at things, teachers and writers inspiring others to address the challenges, and fledgling attempts to practice Eco spiritual activism based in Buddhist principles”. (Kaza 164) Many of these interpretations of the environment came from modern western Buddhism as a reaction to the environmental crisis currently. It was the Bodhisattva vow (which is a vow to liberate all sentient beings) which have encouraged people to take action and protect the environment to liberate all beings under leaders like Thich Nhat Hanh. Many ancient traditions of monks within Thailand, where Theravada is mainly practiced, took ordination of trees

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