
Essay On Dual Federalism

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The ongoing argument between state government and federal government’s hold on power has been in existence since before the founding of America. If state government and the federal government did not have the correct balance of power it could cause uneasy relations which in turn would be a negative outcome for the nation. This is why federalism in our government is so important. Federalism is when a government's power is divided amongst central and lower levels of government. Throughout the history of the United States, there has been different variations of Federalism. From the founding of America until nineteen thirty-seven there was a form a federalism called dual-federalism which has also been called divided sovereignty in which power was divided between the federal and state governments in clearly defined terms. After the new deal was created, The United States went to cooperative federalism in which national, state, and local governments worked cooperatively, until around the nineteen-sixties. For a short period of time had regulated federalism where congress would impose legislation on the states and local governments requiring them to meet national standards. This then led to what we know now, New Federalism where the federal government transfers certain powers back to the states. New Federalism has been around since the nineteen-seventies. In Article I, Section Eight, of The United States Constitution the Commerce Clause is introduced. The Commerce Clause gives congress the power to regulate interstate commerce between the United States and foreign nations. The Clause has been used multiple times throughout United States history. Gibbons vs. Ogden was one of the first times the Commerce Clause came into play which changed the federal government’s role in interstate commerce. Because of this, the federal government was known for having complete power over any international commerce. This connects to federalism because it is seen as “both a grant of congressional authority and as a restriction on the regulatory authority of the States”. (Francone)
The Commerce Clause completely favors federal government because of the power and control it gives congress. This control put forth by the Commerce

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