
The Importance Of Going To College

Decent Essays

Ever since I was a little kid, college has always been something that I knew I was going to do. It was something that has been instilled upon me from a young age. As I grew up and got older it became more and more evident to me from things I had heard from friends, teachers, family, and other respected people in my life that college was a very smart way to ensure I had a future I would one day look back on and be elated about. College was not a decision I put much thought into, I just simply knew it was always the path I would be going down. Choosing to go to pursue college and choosing UW-Oshkosh for the next four years was a decision I made to better my future. One of the main reasons I chose to go to college was because of my life-long dream to become an Elementary Education teacher. Ever since I was a little girl, I had always wanted to be an elementary teacher. I used to play school in my Mom’s classroom, and pretend to play school in my best friend’s basement. I knew without a college degree I would never be able to achieve that goal I set out so long ago. Not only do I want to earn my degree in elementary education, but I was to learn skills, and get tools to become the best teacher and educator I possibly can be. I know that by taking advantage of everything UW-Oshkosh has to offer me in my path to become a teacher I will not only earn my degree, but I will take away those skills and tools I desire to receive. Becoming a teacher is important to me, but

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