College for many people has always been viewed as a must do, a must have, or it is very hard to be successful in the future. This article can change the way people look at going to college. “Universities are not intended to teach the knowledge required to fit men for some special mode of gaining their livelihood,” John Stuart Mill said. Charles Murray shares his view about how college is not always the best option for people by using different views of people and statistics to show why college may not be all it is said to be. Differences in an opinion by people can show too many people going to college or people do not need to go to college. Murray shows that there has to be a better way to become successful than by just getting a degree. Many students go to college looking to get a degree, but only about a third of people actually leave with one. The college experience is also different for different types of students. Students who are in the top percentiles of their academic ability should be pushed and could find going to college a beneficial experience because it was easier for them to achieve their goals and get the type of job they wanted. “Also they are comparing students with the academic ability in the 80th percentile are still smart kids but we don't know if they will be able to respond to a course considering students in the lower odds are less likely to respond”. For students not in the top percentiles for academics and cannot get scholarships money becomes a
Does college really give graduates the tools and knowledge required to succeed? In the article “Where College Fails Us”, author Caroline Bird attempts to argue that college may not be worth as much as people are led to believe. Bird believes that with the rise in college graduates being well above the Department of Labor Statistics anticipated job needs, college is quickly becoming a waste of time. Moreover, several reasons listed depict colleges many shortcomings, including the stress it puts on students and the unrealistic expectations it gives them combined with huge financial burdens. The author believes that the successful college graduates would have been successful regardless of their education, and that the majority of students felt forced to attend. Finally, she states that before wasting your money on a college education the reader should reflect on her article and determine if there is still value in a college experience. Although Caroline Bird presents many persuading arguments against the college experience in her article, I believe her logic to be outdated and generalized, and her content lacking of discrediting information. I disagree that all college graduates are taking dead-end jobs, and universities have withdrawn from the social side of their educational experience.
Quote by Albert Einstein: “The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Going to college is still a debatable topic today. Is it essential to life, is college worth it, and do high school students need to go are some of the many questions concerning college. Now, some may argue that college is “too expensive” and “not essential in succeeding in life”; however, it is stated that college students have a higher success rate in economics and are more prepared in the long run.
The decision to obtain a higher education beyond high school is no longer a question of if, but when. This is the question that author, journalist, and researcher Caroline Bird discusses in her 1975 article, “College is a Waste of Time and Money.” This text strives to convince students, parents, and advisors that obtaining a degree might not be in the best interest for those involved. Circling around the idea that college is a requirement and no longer an act of free will. Bird starts the article off strongly by building her credibility through her own personal research and other credible sources. Bird also attempts to appeal to readers logically by using numerous statistics. However, she fails to convince readers and discredits her ultimate goal through a disconnect in her use of analogies.
College is a great place for many to experience new things and to further education. However, college is not for everyone. According to the film Ivory Tower, college teaches people valuable skills such as networking with peers and extensive knowledge. College also provides students, upon graduation, with a degree and proper credentials. Based on a survey done by the Pew Research Center; the article “The Rising Cost of Not going to College,” states that “economic analysis consistently find that college graduates regardless of generation are doing better than those with less education,” this shows that there is a reasonable gap between a college degree and a high school diploma. On the other hand, it may not be worth the rising costs. Carolina Bird, author of “Where College Fails Us,” mentions in her article “in the current slowdown it has become evident that there were never, and probably never will be, enough jobs requiring higher education to go around,” (59-60) this shows some people's job outlook may not be aligned with their major. Jeffrey Selingo’s article “Is College Worth the Cost? Many Recent Graduates Don’t Think So,” says that “nearly half of college graduates in their 20s are underemployed, meaning the jobs they have do not require a bachelor’s degree,” this brings up the possibility of college not being beneficial to many. College can be needed because of higher salaries after graduation and providing people with the tools to succeed. On the contrary, going to
Colleges and Universities are windows of knowledge that many people try to break, in doing so, people are ready for the next stage of their life. But not many have the option to go the world where knowledge is everything, and end being a simple worker all his life. People would judge a person for not having a degree, bachelor and many more. But do they ever think that colleges or universities are really preparing you for any jobs, does a piece of paper worth a lot now a days. Freeman Hrabowski wrote an article responding to people that think educations is a waste of time, and it is called “College Prepare People for life” (Hrabowski). In the article he mentions many positive thing about going to college and what is the outcome of going to college. But I believe that, he hasn’t done a very good job to explain why college is a good place to go prepare yourself for the real world. I believe that college is very important for our life, but not many of us know if we are really learning something while being in college. I feel like colleges or universities has become a place where we go just to go or try to earn a degree in any field. Therefore, I believe that colleges doesn’t enhance our basic skills, doesn’t give us a certainty of us getting a good job, doesn’t give us the hardships of the real world and it isn’t a place where everyone gets treated it equally.
Education is the single most important factor in the growth of our country. Specifically, higher education paves a future and provides opportunity for students that attend college and gives them a shot at a career. 50 years ago, college was strictly for the elite, high class Americans. Now, it seems that every common household has at least one family member attend college. But with the increasing drop out rate today, students seem less interested in learning at college and their priorities change from their original goal of graduating. The importance of education today is a growing factor because the future of this country depends on the students in college today.
Going through college I have really learned to appreciate what my high school teachers really did for me. They gave me the neccesary skills to succeed in the next level. College has been nothing like I could imagine. The workload has remained the same, but a lot of things have changed. There are a huge lack of social interactions with othere students. And the teacher to student interaction is minuscule. I believe my current history teacher could learn a thing or two from my previous history teacher about how to produce a productive and just already fun place to learn.
How do you expect high school graduates to go to college if it cost too much? In today’s world, education is important, especially for our future. Without education you can't do anything in this world because everything in the world technically revolves on the education you got. College tuition should be lowered so that we the students can afford to receive a good quality education and do something with our lives instead of dropping out. The prices are too high as of now, so you can't even get a great paying job without a college education.
My parents have always told me to go to college, get a good job, make money, and do great things. What they did not tell me is much they were struggling to keep food on the table, how the long hours they worked left them exhausted or how difficult it was for them to tell us no to a new toy, so we could keep our house. They never told me any of this, but after seventeen years, I'm finally starting to see the difficulties of parenthood. With one less child in the house, their burden will be lighter, but not if that child needs 10,000 per year to attend college. There is nothing that would give me more joy in the world than to be able to give back to theses two amazing parents that I am so lucky to have. College is the way I can ever hope to
to take care of themselves as well as how to broaden their horizons in their tedious studying
In today's modern age people are worried about acquiring success in their lives and are constantly working to secure that goal as soon as possible. One of the most obvious routes for a person to acquire and secure this success is to attend a college that will give them the beneficial knowledge that will grant them an advantage in the world. Our society is convinced that a college education is the only possible way for a person to achieve any form of success in their careers and for a long time our society has inflated the value that a college education has held in a person’s life. However, due to many peoples circumstance a college degree may not be the correct way for a person to achieve success, and now with the availability with somany
Looking back throughout my life, I have been through many obstacles changing my views on success. The death of my parents at a young age significantly altered my outlook. I’ve learned that life doesn't always go as planned, but it is up to yourself to make something out of your hardships.
Going from high school to college has been a big step in my journey to success. It is partly because of this that going to college is so important to me. Being successful is what I strive for and in today’s society, I have to go to college in order to achieve this. I plan to become a Dental Hygienist, make money, and along the way open myself up to allowing the college to make a positive difference in my life.
The importance of a college education is critical in bettering a person’s life and the lives of their loved ones. To obtain a well-paying job, a person must seek a higher education by graduating from a college or university. Their education will give them the knowledge they need to obtain a career in their desired field. A college education is very expensive and the cost of tuition continues to rise. There is student fees, room and board, traveling expenses, meal plans, and books and supplies. These fees start adding up quickly. There are many other additional expenses a student must pay to attend college besides tuition. There is also not enough government assistance and scholarships for each student that attends college. This forces many students to take out loans and end up in debt. The amount of debt for a college education is rapidly increasing. Student loans become a high financial burden with most loans totaling near $30,000 by the time a person graduates. Most students do not have a full understanding of the financial burden they place on themselves to where it is hard to obtain prosperity after graduation.
Today, college students around the world cannot afford to be wasteful with their money when it comes to getting a degree that will get them a steady paying job once they graduate. Stem occupants, those in mathematics, engineering, science, and technology argue that STEM is the way to go. Most college students are looking for degrees that are the most practical when it comes to long term. Students do not have the time, energy, or funds to waste on a degree, that does not prepare them with skills they will need to have acquired. College education should be job training, seen through public perception, and job security.