
The Importance Of Immorality And The Value Of Life

Decent Essays

In our minds we are warned and aware of the future and what it will bring to us. This is found most clearly in the men of the loftiest genius and greatest souls. They wonder why they should toil and strain in life when it is much easier to do the basic necessities. However, many people of the past and present have sacrificed their lives for something that they believe in and value. This can be many different ideas and institutions of life. Many that sacrifice do this because of the thought that their names and deeds would continue after them. They believed in the idea of immortality, not of the body, but rather of the soul and that it will continue long after them. This is supported by the voice of nature and the general opinion of people. Those in great power believe in this idea and this motivates their actions. This idea even carries over to even poets and philosophers with their desire for fame even after their death. Their view towards death is important in how they live their lives. A forward thinking mindset is useful for life and how they prepare for death. This adds to the value of their lives and the work they perform. I agree that we are aware of the future and act accordingly with the pursuit of higher things in life. Immorality is an important motivator of how we act.
It is possible for men to meet death with a great tranquillity through the comfort of their own praise. This is also supported by the idea that death has a time. There is nothing gained by delaying

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