
The Importance Of Italian Immigration To America

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No Such Thing
Starting in 1890, Italian immigrants began to travel from their hometowns of Italy to their new world, America. Known as the “New Immigration,” the transition became the third largest immigrating wave from Europe. Records show, that in 1913 that the number of Italians living in America stood at an all-time high. Most of the Italian immigrants coming to the states had stepped onto American soil at Ellis Island in New York City.
Four of the Italian immigrants that sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from Italy to embark on their journey to America, existed as my great grandparents. Being a full-blooded Italian means that I still have some family members living in Italy. Having the cultural heritage of an Italian has had a huge influence on my life due to the fact that I’ve stayed surrounded by the culture ever since my childhood. Some traditions of a normal Italian family consist of food, rituals, religion, affiliations, and more food.
Baptizing a child in a Roman Catholic church, remains as one of the most important traditions in the Italian culture. During this ceremony, the parents select a godmother and godfather for the child. As a child, I experienced baptism and to this day I have my godparents. In the future, I plan on baptizing my children, and keeping the tradition thriving. Every Italian family loves big meal and very tasty courses. Every Sunday my entire family, all 15 of us, get together to have a family dinner. At this dinner, we would talk about

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