
The Importance Of Juvenile Delinquency

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Based on the pathways of girls being so different that those of boys it would be imperative to provide gender-responsive programs that address the different issues experienced by girls. Ideally, we would form a Justice System that would respond to individuals per their gender differences since they are numerous. Incorporating pathways into the Criminal Justice System would allow for a better understanding of why the individual is committing a crime and help in terms of determining what to do with said individual. For example, in Private Pain and Public Behaviors, Annie got arrested breaking into her neighbor’s house while attempting to escape her abusive step-father (Weisheit & Culbertson, 2000). She did not commit a crime to steal the belongings of her neighbors but so she could be taken by the police so she would not have to return home. This type of information should dictate how to deal with the apparent juvenile delinquent rather than sentencing her for breaking and entering. Which brings us to a second recommendation, to address the underlying issues that lead to the crime. The trauma experienced by this youth needs to be addressed rather than furthered through detention. When addressing individuals’, who have experienced such trauma, the programs used to help these individuals need to take those experiences into consideration. Because majority of the current programs are oriented towards male delinquency, the approach used by the people operating the programs may be

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