
The Importance Of Juvenile Offenders In Prison

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Some people believe that it is considered cruel and unusual to put people in prison for life without the possibility of parole. It is also been called the new death sentence because the offenders charged with life without parole will die in prison. I am torn on this topic because I believe some people should be in prison for the rest of their lives. I also believe that there are some people who do not deserve to be in prison for life without parole. In this paper I will look to outline some of the reasons I feel this way In the past courts were able to place juveniles in prison for life without parole. Some laws have already recognized that it is considered cruel and unusual to place juveniles in prison for life without the possibility of parole. In 2010 Graham V. Florida found that it was unconstitutional to place juveniles in prison for life without parole if they commit non-homicidal crimes. I believe this is an excellent law because smaller crimes that did not hurt anyone can be easier to change from. …show more content…

The third time being convicted means that you may go to life without the possibility of parole. A young man in Florida named Angelo Scott was sentenced to life without parole after he was convicted of his third drug offense even though the first two convictions were from when he was in his teens (Walsh, 2011). In another case Graham V. Florida a young man Donald Graham was sentenced to life without parole after he was convicted of his third felony drug charge. The original charges were brought against him when he was a teenager, and in one case he plead

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