
The Importance Of Karma In Jainism

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Karma, in Jainism, is physical matter or (ajiva) that are attracted to the soul by its actions. This karma then obscures the purity of the soul making it difficult for an individual to achieve liberation or (moksha). In this religion, the complexity of karma is understood to have an effect in both the physical sense as well as in the spiritual realm. It is believed that one cannot fully liberate from samsara unless the soul is cleansed of all karma, dark or light. Because achieving moksha is no easy feat, many souls continue to endure samsara by accumulating more karma. To stop the continuous accumulation of karma and achieve moksha, one must allow the soul to endure a journey of extreme asceticism. Though many souls are not able to embark on this journey, all Jains make five ethical vows which include ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, and aparigraha. Through austere practices of self discipline, those that desire to reach moksha must follow three main principles, ahimsa, anekantavada, and aparigraha. Following these principles allows one’s soul to rid of all physical evils and eventually detach from the body to unite with other perfected souls in Siddha-Loka or the “World of Saints”. Avoiding Karma in Jainism is an autonomous quest done through intense altruism, self-restraint and patience. Ahisma meaning “non-violence” is one of the fundamental principles of Jainism that individuals practice to avoid karma. This is the belief that one should not harm any form of

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