
The Importance Of Medieval Music

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We ask ourselves, does medieval music need to be protected against certain types of scholarly approaches? In the 14th century to 15th century it was important for the people to follow certain approaches and interpretations with music. Many men and women withdrew from the materialistic world, and devoted themselves to church; they devoted themselves to lives of prayer or theology. In, Elizabeth Eva Leach’s article, "Gendering the Semitone, Sexing the Leading Tone: Fourteenth-Century Music Theory and the Directed Progression, "Reading and Theorizing Medieval Music Theory: Interpretation and Its Contexts," and in Sarah Fuller’s article, "Concerning Gendered Discourse in Medieval Music Theory: Was the Semitone 'Gendered Feminine?” these summaries consist a contrast why the authors argument why medieval music was an integral part of everyday life for people living in the 14th century through 15th century . These authors both have a different viewpoint of how masculinity and feminine were influenced under the power of the church and composers who exemplified these ideals, and brought the compositions out of church and spread it across Western Europe. They both agreed that music and semitones were influenced by gender, but disagreed how feminine and masculine affected people in a certain approach. Music of the medieval era included liturgical music used for church and chants, and consisted a lot of voice exchanges from instruments and choral music. Composers had a strict way

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