
The Importance Of Modern Civilization

Satisfactory Essays

Question # 1

The Yanomamos have not developed Modern Civilization and still live in hunting gathering stage due to different factors such as population, their economy, political institutions religion, and education. The first factor is the population that includes the size and density of society. We can see that the rate of growth of the population is very low, which minimizes the increase of citizens. In hunting sharing societies, this is due in part to natural causes, but also because of cultural factors. The most important factors that produce equilibrium in growth rates appear to be cultural, such as delayed marriages or beliefs that delay population growth. Also, because the Yanomamo society is small they depend more on hunting and …show more content…

Because of the primitive nature of its technology, the division of labor is determined by age and sex. There are no full-time occupational specialties, although some part-time specialization in the crops. Therefore, this type of economy doesn’t allow them to grow economically. Third reason might be the that political institutions of Yanomamo society is very primitive. Because they are so small, they have not developed political mechanisms to control and coordinate larger populations. In addition, the primitive nature of the political system of societies such as Yanomamo can be seen clearly in their limited development of specialized political roles and in the equally limited authority given to people in those roles. Individuals are hardly free, however, to do as they wish and are restricted by several elements of social control such as blood revenge, group pressure, and fear of the supernatural.
Throughout the history of civilization, religion has played an essential role in many societies. So, religion can be a factor why Yanomamo culture has not civilized. There are many reasons why religions have played such a prominent role in defining a society's culture, but possibly the most notable of these reasons is that a belief or faith in a spiritual or divine power which can add meaning to people’s lives. Yanomamo members, struggle with the problem of explaining the world, especially

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