
The Importance Of Monuments

Decent Essays

Monuments are constructed to memorialize an event or person. There are many factors a group or agency should take into consideration when planning to build a monument. These factors include, but are not limited to, relevance, size, placement, material, and cost. While reading Source E, I came to the realization of how important the placement of a museum is. In this excerpt Musser states, “One protester said, ‘Imagine a holocaust museum in the town whose political sages refused to lift a finger to halt the Holocaust or open our shores to the few survivors! How offensive to any informed individual! ‘.” I disagree with this statement. Museums can be built anywhere. They are meant to be informative. Their purpose is to help us better understand our country and culture; both past and present. Even if the town it is built in did nothing to help prevent such a tragedy, it’s still a piece of history and a lot can be learned from the artifacts and information within. Our descendants deserve to know about the past. Placement should not be a problem when building a museum because there is nothing wrong with trying to inform our town, or wherever the museum is built, of history. As George Will, a communist states, the museum would enhance The Mall’s “already diverse stories”. On the other hand, it is completely wrong to construct a monument in a place that offered little to no help to the Holocaust victims. That is something that should be constructed in a place like Germany to

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