
The Importance Of My Life

Decent Essays

Life puts obstacles in our way, it’s up to us to get passed them. I think my biggest complaint is “That’s not fair” as my mom always tells me “Life’s not fair”. Life isn’t the greatest but it’s up to oneself to make the best out of it. I complain a lot about how unfair life is with me, I’ve had personal events happen that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. I lost my grandpa when I was twelve, my grandma is in and out of the hospital for medical reasons. I grew up with my grandma and grandpa due to the fact my mom was always working or to busy too be around when I was younger. My older sister and I always fought and hated being around each other, I was bullied since the third grade for being “fatter” than everyone else. My father walked out of my life without caring. My father named his other child exactly like me knowing about me. Due to all these situations, I began to care less and less about life, my education, the ways it affected my family, and the way it would affect my future. Father’s Day, June 18, 2012, just after school finish and summer had just begun, my grandpa passed away, I was the closest to him and losing him hurt me more than anything else in the world. That morning my mom received a call that we needed to rush to the hospital because he didn’t have much time left. In the car, all I can think of was “why me? Why is this happening to me”? Just as soon as I walked into his room I looked up at the nurse as she said to my family, “He just gave his last breath as

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