
The Importance Of Playing On A Soccer Field

Decent Essays

The soccer field and the game that it hosts are completely foreign to me. The last time I set foot on a soccer field was probably in middle school during gym class. Even when I did have the opportunity to walk on the grassy field and play its game, I probably never touched the ball or even attempted to. I have never been able to see the beauty in the soccer field and the joy that it holds; however, recently I was able to catch a glimpse of the emotions evoked by the game and the place that it is played. I had the opportunity to interview an individual who has spent much time observing and playing on a soccer field. The soccer field has been a significant influence in the life of Chase. From the time he was four-years-old, he has been drawn to the soccer field. From being little and running towards the ball as his dad cheered him, to scoring the winning goal in a big game and celebrating with his team mates, the soccer field has witnessed the growth of Chase as a soccer player and Chase as a person. The smell of fresh cut grass, the sight of my mom in the bleachers all dressed up with pom-poms, and the sound of the referee’s whistle are things I have never been able to experience. However, I have recently learned that these little pieces are what make a soccer field such a meaningful place for some individuals. Having spent his entire childhood playing soccer, there were few things that would have held Chase back from playing in high school, but sometimes unexpected

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