
The Importance Of Productive Breaks

Decent Essays

Productive Distractions: Improving Your Efficiency by Taking More (and Smarter) Breaks (Psst...Too busy to read the full article? Scroll to the bottom for four quick tips to boost your productivity immediately!) In today’s fast-paced, efficiency-centric workplace, the term “break” might as well be a four-letter word. Too often commitment to one’s work is measured in hours instead of accomplishments, and any time spent away from your workstation can conjure accusations of unprofessionalism, short attention spans, or wasted money. Time spent away from your workstation can invite accusations of a lack of focus and wasting of company resources, while longer hours are universally celebrated as key to company commitment and success. …show more content…

This second group of outlier players seemed to utilize that handful of seconds to disengage from the game completely. Instead of remaining tense and alert, they turned their back to the net, strutted to the sideline in a matador-esque posture, and then put their full attention on picking strings on their racket to test the tension. When he compared the records of players who stayed mentally “engaged” during breaks versus those who “disengaged” and occupied themselves with a new task, he found the latter had statistically higher win rates. The theory Loher hatched to explain the discrepancy in performances was one of energy conservation. Even though both groups of players physically stopped during their breaks, the tennis players who stayed mentally engaged during breaks were still playing the game in their head even when “resting”, never truly switching gears, while the athletes who were able to disengage and focus on a different task--even if only for ten seconds or less--returned to play with a mental edge that allowed them to consistently best their opponents by the end of the match. Dr. Loehr has since taken his ideas about the importance of ritual and variety in downtime well beyond the sphere of sports, advocating that professionals from all fields take frequent breaks then return to the task at hand to give their all in high-energy work “sprints” rather than unbroken

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