Allan (2008) defines speed as how quickly the body/ body part can be moved. Speed is very important in tennis as highlighted by Parsons (1998) who states that a tennis player on average will run 3 metres per shot and 8-12 metres per point. Another component of tennis is cardiovascular endurance which is defined by Allan (2008) as is the ability of the body to supply oxygen and nutrients to, and remove waste from, working muscles over an extended period of time. With matches being reported by Fernandez-Fernandez (2009) lasting on average 1.5hours but with a range of 1 to 5 hours it shows the importance of a good cardiovascular system. Further example to this is the John Isner -Nicolas Mahut Wimbledon Match in 2010 which lasted 11 hours. According …show more content…
From which Samson (2005) states that improving dynamic balance promotes tennis performance. Allan (2008) describes agility as changing direction at speed and with control. As previously mentioned earlier by Parsons (1998) movement in tennis is directional and requires lateral, forward and backwards movement. This is supported by Miller (2001) who states that agility deals with the changes in direction and the ability to effectively couple eccentric and concentric actions in ballistic movements. According to Konstantinos (2008) reaction times and first step quickness are important determinants of a player’s performance. Little (2015) says that tennis players have to react constantly to the opponents shots and quickly coordinate a response. Allan (2008) defines reaction time as the time taken to act upon a stimulus. Lastly, flexibility is another essential component in tennis as LTA (2007) suggest that players have to do continuous bending, stretching and twisting of the body to reach and hit the ball. Allan (2008) defines flexibility as a range of movements at a
Average flight time for the jump serve and the standing overhand serve was calculated, and summarized in Table 2.
I started playing tennis at a young age due to my mother’s interest in the sport. My mother would always put me into these clinics at the Atlantic club and I would beg not to attend due to the attachment I obligated to soccer. Additionally, as I started to lose motivation for soccer, I began to crave playing tennis. So, I didn’t realize the impact this game had on me until I began to take it seriously as I got older. Therefore, tennis has created such an influence on me that I started to improve every time
In three years the summer olympics will take place, it is a time when the best athletes gather to win in what might be the most prestigeful competition in existence. Not just to win but to even be able to participate in the event they have to be at a high level. Each of those athletes have practised hard in a ton of various ways. The sport that interests me the most is tennis since I used to play that in high school. And from previous experience I have learned that it is impossible to win a match by just using one move. When looking at a olympics tennis game one can watch Roger Federer use a combination of different moves to eventually beat his opponent. The same process of training that Roger Federer uses to beat an opponent can be used to
Speed gives a tennis player many advantages. Firstly, your reaction speed is really important too react to a ball being play to your side of the net. In tennis you have too respond really quick to be able to get too the ball on time one tip is to stand on your toes so that you as a player can respond quicker. Furthermore, you need it too move your body around the court. Moreover, the quicker your brain responds to your body the more time you have to run towards the ball. Lastly, speed is crucial in tennis because it makes a player react quicker and be able to hit the ball back easier using there speed to get to the ball on
In this essay I will discuss, de-construct and analyze the techniques used by my partner, Luke Wynne when performing the badminton overhead clear shot using anatomical and biomechanical analysis. Throughout the essay I will give critical feedback and feed forward on four different phases, the preparation phase, execution phase, contact phase and the follow through phase. I will discuss the functional anatomy of how my partner can better his whole performance to become closer to the optimum performance that elite athletes play at, also known as the autonomous stage of learning. I will then finish my essay with a conclusion to sum up everything that I have discussed.
In the game of tennis, a game is played indoors or outdoors by two players in singles or doubles with four players. The goal of tennis is to win 1st place in the tournaments. Not only that the winner will also receive a prize which is cash. The objective of tennis is to hit the ball side to side of the opponent net
So in this presentation, we discussed four components with two pairs of comparisons: Speed & Cardiovascular endurance, Power & Muscular strength. Speed is the ability to travel promptly; it is found in soccer and cross country. Cardiovascular endurance is how oxygen travels in your body. Both components results in your distance limit and speed. Power is the maximum force exerted quickly, and is utilized in boxing and tennis. Muscular strength is the resistance of the muscles against force. Finally, the strength determines the power of the
It would first be helpful to give a physical description of a typical player on our tennis
Need Statement: Many of us are going into the PT/OT career field and if we have a better understanding of tennis, maybe it can help us when dealing with patient’s injuries.
1.Aerobic Endurance is the ability of your lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to the working muscles for an extended period of time. Aerobic endurance fitness is also very important for tennis players for maintaining the intensity throughout long games, matches and tournaments.For The ability to last longer, hit harder, run faster is an essential skill that a tennis player must have.Tennis players gain aerobic Endurance by mostly running because that is what tennis players require while playing tournaments and matches, however participating in other sports that require using large muscle groups helps gain Aerobic Endurance.
Many variables add to accomplishment on the tennis court: ability, methodology, encounter and mental strength. Tennis matches are not just chosen by ability; mental strength regularly decides the victor. Despite the fact that this is vital it won't triumph over enormous ability contrasts, however in matches that are adjusted in ability mental assurance is regularly the triumphant consider. Numerous abnormal state tennis matches are long and tiring for both sides, this is on
It is, for me, an arduous study that requires relentless experimentation. It requires the perfect balance of power and finesse, endurance and spurts of strength, but most of all, unwavering focus. Strangely, in the sweaty frenzy of a match, with the sun baking and peeling the skin off my arms (it happens a lot) and the blisters swelling and bursting on my ankles, my mind settles into a lagoon of unbreakable calm, and I am at peace. A sanctuary and a laboratory, the court is where I belong, where I can push myself and my team to the furthermost physical and mental level, develop strategies, and find satisfaction in triumph through adversity: the most delicious of all triumphs. More than that, I have found each match I play, little by little, punctures the stereotype of the weak female nerd, if not simply the weak female: no longer do people say that I run fast, for a girl, that I serve well, for a girl, that I hit hard, for a girl. Through tennis, I silently dare the world to see me raw--not just as scholar, just an athlete, just a girl, but a creature undaunted by limits: a thinker, a challenger, an
It all comes down to one word “this”. By concentrating on this pass, this set, this spike, this serve, this tip, athletes learn to focus on the things that matter right now. Right
Stronger legs can allow players to run faster, have more power when they kick the ball, and have better control when shielding and protecting the ball. Soccer players are usually the ones working out their legs at the gym, which can help them to prevent injury ("Soccer Players: Lift with Your Legs!"). Instead of focusing on lower body, tennis uses much more of the player's upper body, although lower body muscles can give the player the advantage of getting to the ball faster. Tennis players need to be strong enough to have sufficient power in hitting the ball. They also need ball control, which can come from being more in control of their upper body. These players will often focus more on free lifting or resistance bands when training (Strength Training For Tennis").
In tennis, the mechanics are balanced, they are also different from many other sports. In tennis you have to hit a