
The Importance Of Professionalism As A Teacher Education Program

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction to the Literature Review
The word “professionalism” and how it is to be acquired should be a focus of every teacher education program. Despite the significant role professionalism plays in the workplace, there is a lack of a universally accepted definition of the term in teacher education programs (Creasy, 2015). Consequently, it has a tendency to lose the weight of its meaning since it is a trait based on perception and cultural or societal ideologies (Sampson, 2016). According to Creasy (2015), “Whatever the belief or assumption pertaining to professionalism and the dispositions characteristic of an educational professional, the fact is that professionalism and the acquisition of professional dispositions is believed to be …show more content…

However, an unresolved question about which clothing features has an impact on impressions remains (Carr, Davies, & Lavin, 2009). Teachers are influential and have the ability to inspire their students to appreciate learning. Bandura stated “Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions are really based on vicarious experiences” (as cited in Stokes, 1989).
The Context-Teacher’s Attire and the Classroom Environment
The classroom environment is a place in which both teachers’ and students’ nonverbal behaviors have important implications for learning (Reynolds, 2014). Despite the difficulties of teaching at the middle school level, a teacher’s primary goal must be dedicated to the increase of student academic achievement. Some of the complications with teaching middle school deal with the fact that student-teacher interactions are challenging at the middle school level. “Students not only spend less time with their teachers as they did in elementary school, they also struggle to find their voice and identity during this time” (Eccles, 1999, p. 31). According to Gunderson (2000) successful classroom teaching can be sidetracked by student distractions and defiant behaviors. While it is easy to place the blame on students, parents or even society, sometimes the teacher 's behavior

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