
The Importance Of Public Budgeting

Decent Essays

Public budgeting has various distinctions from other traditional budgeting procedures like personal or private-sector financials. There are certain considerations public budgeting must adhere to, such as the recognition that monies are of the people and thus, must be used accordingly to undertake the demands of the people. However, Rubin (2016) demonstrates that with limited resources of the government as well as numerous parties at interest, public budget is limited in choosing the priorities of the United States--thus public budgeting becomes immensely politicized. Joyce & Pattison (2010) illustrate the increased demand of government services in the United States, all while the public sector attempts to manage debts and remain accountable for their work. An exploration to understand the accountability dilemma, must be discussed, in which government cannot fully achieve all three principles of duty, including performance, fairness, and finances. Ebdon & Franklin (2006) examine the significance of citizen participation in the public budgeting process, as there is often a connection between the preferences of the citizens (the voters) and budget spending. Furthermore, the concept of a more inclusive role of citizens in the public budgeting process is explained more in depth by Bigle (2015). Bigle (2015) acknowledges the importance of citizen engagement in both the decision making process but also argues for increased governmental accountability to the people.

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