
The Importance Of Reading And Writing

Decent Essays

Reading and writing doesn’t connect with me, compared to everyone else. With reading and writing being one the major struggles I have, it was and still is very difficult for me to find my true reading and writing skills. In high school, I was in Adv. English courses throughout the 4 years, and I was an average kid in the class. We are forced to read a lot of articles about today main topics and issues, romantic story poems, and novels such as, Beowulf, The Tempest, and To Kill a Mockingbird. But my absolute favorite reading that we did was, Edgar Allan Poe poems. The way he uses that evil, dark, and scared tone, is what gets me the chills in a scary way. But with all other novels that I have done, I couldn’t really get into the readings. It then carried on to my free read and it was the worst part about English, because I don’t like to read for enjoyment and this would also go for writing as well. With writing, I can never get my thoughts on a paper correctly, so I would always be afraid of writing any type of essays, including this one. I feel as if writing were a punishment for me, because it takes so much time, thinking, and processing my thoughts or ideas for an essay. Summary, research, and argument were my worst enemy in high school. But with creative writing, I feel most comfortable doing, because I feel as if it's an easy way for me to express myself by writing whatever I'm feeling inside. It’s been a rough time with both reading and writing, this then puts my

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