Regional air quality is considerably impacted by flow of air pollutants from long distances; originating from Asia can impact air quality in North America. Pollutants originating from United States are believed to be responsible for high ozone levels in southwestern Ontario. During smog episodes in Ontario, these trans-boundary pollutants can be responsible for almost 90 percent of the ozone in areas like Port Huron and Simcoe (North Lake Erie), Parry Sound (East Lake Huron and Georgian Bay) and Windsor (extreme southwest). To a small extent pollutants originating from Ontario impact air quality in Quebec, Maritime provinces and U.S New England states.
The Province of Ontario is not only the recipient of transboundary air pollution, but contributes
Even if all countries in the world contribute to the air pollution, the developed countries take the leading role on releasing carbon monoxide in the air. This toxic air increases risk of the ozone layer depletion, which potentially would expose UVB radiation at the earth. This UVB radiation has negative consequences on humans, animals, plants and other planetary creatures. In addition to UVB radiation the polluted air by itself can cause serious health problems for humankind. Moreover, this process would cause the earth to become warmer which consequence of global warming. Industries and transportation takes the first place for the source of emissions of air
Splattered across the history of the Congo, the blood of millions of Congolese drips down upon the pages of Adam Hochschild’s book, King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, sorrowfully telling their tales of misery and slavery. Adam Hochschild manages to paint an elaborate picture of the horrors of the Free State of Congo, King Leopold II personal colony, accurately detailing every minute facet of the Congo—from its exploratory birth, grizzly childhood, and uncertain present. However, Hochschild does fail to paint completely balanced picture. Yes, the story of the Congo is brutal, but the hard-earned resources extracted from there did some good across other parts of the world. The story of the Congo all starts with King Leopold II of Belgium—the king who desperately wanted to put Belgium, and himself, on the map of wealth and prestige.
Canada is one of the developed nations in the world and with that comes a certain type of lifestyle that its citizens are accustomed to and often expect. This lifestyle is definitely not conscious of the environment at most times, however is trying to improve or at least find some kind of alternative to environmental problems that we can’t actually fix because they’ve become an important part of our everyday life. For that, our lifestyle has been measured by way of an ecological footprint and the results obviously haven’t been something to be proud of. Although there are many reasons why the ecological footprint of Canada is so high, one of the reasons is because of our excessive fossil fuel emissions from our cars, trucks, busses and planes.
The primary reason for the poor air quality within Niagara is the release of toxins and chemicals produced by the buildings, factories and industries. A method to help reduce the amount of exhaust is
“Up to 16,000 Canadians die each year because of high pollution levels and poor air quality (City Of Windsor 2016).” Air pollution is the world's largest health risk. Pollution and climate change is a major global issue. Canada is “the ninth largest emitter of greenhouse gas” that needs to enact a climate policy [1] (Mildenberger et al. 2016). Greenhouse gasses are emitted by Human activities such as energy industries, transportation, residential and commercial activities, manufacturing, construction, industrial processes, and agriculture (Ayşegül &
Chapter 19th of the textbook, “Air Pollution Policy in Canada: Government Leadership or Smoke and Mirrors?” written by Owen Temby, Don Munton and Ingur Weibust, mainly focuses on dealing with trans-boundary air pollution and how it has been one of the concerning issues of Canada since 1970 because of the federal government in past few years.
“The more clouds in the sky, the more people will die”, are the words of a young child in Sarnia, Ontario. The first thing you notice about Sarnia is the smell of rotten eggs, but it is not rotten eggs you are smelling. That would be all the chemicals that are polluting the air from all the industries that have been developed. The air pollution has been described as the the worst air in Canada. Aamjiwnaang is a first nation tribe that is located in Sarnia, Ontario. Their territorial grounds is near a Chemical Valley that is made up of forty percent of Canada’s industries. There is about “sixty oil refineries and industrial strips that over see the St. Clair River”. These industries have severely impacted the environment by releasing toxic fumes into the environment resulting with an impact on the health and habitat and wildlife.
Transport Canada integrates the works with its partners, stakeholders, general public, aviation industry, federal government departments, provinces, territories, municipalities and international organizations in order to reduce and prevent the environmental impacts caused due to air transportation operations. Transport Canada helps International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in developing international standards and suggested practices for the reduction of greenhouse gas and air pollutants emitted by aviation sources. Transport Canada also involves in ICAO’s Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) regarding aircraft engine emissions, noise and land use planning.
Air pollution causes an estimated 3.7 million deaths per year worldwide and 3000 deaths per year in Australia. Drawing on existing research on the health effects of air pollution, reports show that between 2005 and 2010, the number of deaths from air pollution in Australia jumped from 882 to 1483, representing a 68 percent rise. The pattern is similar for the number of ''years of life lost'' due to air pollution. It also shows Australia is in a minority of countries that saw this happen. Of the 34 countries in the OECD, 20 saw their pollution-related deaths decline in that five-year period. Australia was in the minority of 14 countries that saw their death rates increase. For a western country that is considered progressive and environmentally
Health risks people take and the compromises government make. The incline of air pollution is endangering Canadians, updates are needed, the time to act sooner rather than later. Prevent the “Silent killer” before the silence becomes- to change the way Canadians think, before it’s to late, the opinions of the people
Air pollution is the accumulation of impurities in the air, this becomes a problem when the quality starts to affect the life on Earth. These impurities can cause many issues and in extreme cases air quality can even cause death. Although Australia has the advantage of being an isolated continent, air quality is still a major concern for large cities and industrial centres.
According to Canada’s Emissions Trend report, the two provinces that contributed the most to the country’s emissions are the province of Alberta and Ontario. Alberta has suffered many first hand consequences of high GHG emissions, notably the massive wildfire in Fort McMurray, a fire that burned 85 000 hectares of land (MacCleans, n.d.). Ontario on the other hand faced a cooler and wetter summer for 2017. Due to the high contributions of emissions by Albert and Ontario, these provinces have high priorities to establish legislation and policies to reduce emissions. However, they have enacted multiple provincial legislation targeting environmentally sustainable
According to research done by Home Facts (n.d.) 93.55% of Brusly’s air in 2017 is reported as “good”, 6.45% as “Moderate”, and 0% as unhealthy or hazardous.
In this chapter, I will present this results I have gained from conducting a focus group workshop with relevant scientists and an interview with a decision maker in Transport Scotland who is also an expertise in environmental issues. Discussion will go through with the results and suggestions on future project activities in China will be given at last.
The ten worst cities in America for smog are in the Western states. Six of the cities are in California, two in Arizona and two in Colorado. However, most of the coal plants in America are in the Mid-West to Eastern states. The smog that the Western states are experiencing comes from pollution in Asia. Most cities are improving their ozone levels because it is dangerous to breathe in too much smog. Although smog is mostly in larger cities, it’s effects can be felt in surrounding areas. Those with asthma problems or other lung disease should be extremely careful on heavy smog days and stay away from high smog areas.