
The Importance Of Relationships In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Picture it: You are a fish in the ocean. The waves and the currents stop. Everything is gone. Would you be able to find your way? Without a guiding figure we would all be lost. Not knowing where to even start or how to find your way. Who is your guiding figure? Who is better than an adult to know how best to guide you? In the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare proposes that parents know what is best for their children through Lord Capulet's motives with the arranged marriage and the Nurse’ and Friars willingness to help Romeo and Juliet.

Throughout the play, Lord Capulet stuck to trying to make Juliet happy through marriage. Lord Capulet and Paris have an unsettling disagreement about marriage as he asks Capulet for Juliet’s …show more content…

Friar Lawrence and the Nurse are not blood related to Romeo and Juliet, but they are the most influential figures in their lives because the relationships with their parents are very lacking. Romeo urgently finds Friar Lawrence and asks for him to marry Juliet and himself. Friar Lawrence discloses, “For this alliance may so happy prove/ to turn your households’ rancor to pure love”(2.3.98-99). In this passage he is explaining how he will go along with this marriage, in hope that it will bring the two feuding families together. The Friar understands that it is imperative to marry the two so they can live long and happy lives together, without the family’s getting in the way. In addition, Juliet’s Nurse is always with Juliet and understands her better than anyone, even herself. After the death of Tybalt, Juliet begins to weep in her room over Romeo being banished, not Tybalt’s death. The Nurse says in determination, “Hie to your chamber. I’ll find Romeo/ to comfort you”(3.3.151-152). She knows that bringing Romeo so he can comfort her will lift her sorrows. The Nurse recognizes that how to maintain Juliet’s happiness is through Romeo. These characters may not be Romeo and Juliet’s parents, but they are the most important and willing adults in their lives and always know what is best for

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