
The Importance Of Ritual And Discipline For Adolescent Youth

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The importance of ritual and discipline for adolescent youth Do you believe that religion provides youth with discipline? Do you think that rituals help support adolescents’ spiritual growth? Faith formation is also critical in helping youth find meaning through the development of moral principles. We live in an era in which it is perceived that youth no longer have as conservative moral values as their forefathers. In fact, Professor Sandra Stojanovic (2011) argues that traditional education based on respect, courteousness, selflessness, civility, propriety, honesty and righteousness from an early stage, and had enough self-discipline to maintain these values. Through the Religion Survey with 42% of participants claiming that religion does not influence individuals with their discipline levels. Despite this, these moral values and self-discipline have slowly diminished over the years with increasing evidence that youth are rejecting traditional ethical frameworks. This has been evident through a growth in teen pregnancy and juvenile crime along with juvenile antisocial behaviour highlighting the fact that morality is becoming increasingly problematic. In fact, Crime Statistics Agency (2017) recognises that in 2016 alone more than 25,600 offences were committed by people aged 18 and younger. In fact, research conducted by the Southern Baptist Convention (2002) shows that 88% of adolescents who grew in Christian families have left the Church. These factors make faith

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