
The Importance Of Robots

Decent Essays

The expansion of technology has caused robots to become a very significant part of the work place. Robots are continuing to show incredible efficiency rates; they have higher levels of lateral thinking and reflective intelligence, and they rather than humans, are continuing to develop their own brain power capabilities; this is the main reason behind many people’s concerns about losing their jobs as robots might destroy their jobs and eliminate them from the work place. Even though robots have delivered very noticeable outcomes in the work place, they are only useful for the automation part of the job and they tend to decrease the need for manual, repetitive work. Robots exclusively replace the manual and repetitive labor and create new tasks and opportunities for their human counterparts. Although robots might be viewed as a replacement for human beings in the workplace, they are only useful for the manual work in some specific fields and they fail to function in other fields, such as child and health care providers. Robots help to advance the industry with their fabricated intelligence. The article, “Better than Human: Why Robots Will— and— Must Take Our Jobs” by Kevin Kelly, discusses how robots can “help us dream up new world that matters” (Kelly 311). Kelly strongly believes that robots will eventually rework the entire industry. Kelly states, “The rote tasks of any information-intensive job can be automated. It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, lawyer, architect,

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