
The Importance Of Roman Clothing In Ancient Roman

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Clothing in ancient Rome was so important to the Romans that they specially trained slaves to assist them in putting on their clothes (Roman Dress 3). Not only was it time-consuming and difficult to put on their style of clothing, but the clothes were also often heavy and uncomfortable (McManus 3). In spite of the clothing being troublesome, it was incredibly useful; with one glance, you could see every Roman’s wealth, rank, and personality. Roman clothing was important because it helped others differentiate between the classes as well as showcase people’s personal style. Simply the fabric that Romans' clothes were made of could tell you their economic status. Everyone wore a basic tunic, a loose, sleeveless, knee-length sheath, …show more content…

(Roman Dress 7). Commoners wore the cheaper colors included yellow, red, green, and blue (Colors of Roman Clothing 2-4). These dyes were all from various natural sources (Colors of Roman Clothing 1). Wealthier people wore indigo and crimson, which were expensive (Colors of Roman Clothing 3). Indigo had to be imported from India, and crimson was derived from insects (Colors of Roman Clothing 3). Very light colors were also an honor to wear. Some politicians would even go as far as using white chalk on their togas in order to stand out (Roman Dress 4). With all these specifics, a Roman could easily tell how much money someone had based just on the color or type of fabric they were wearing. Another way that clothes allowed Romans to distinguish between rank was which garments that a person wore. Poor women usually only wore one piece of clothing: a tunic (Lewis 1). However, a tunic was considered an undergarment for wealthy women (Lewis 2). The women that could afford more clothes wore a stola over their tunics (Lewis 2). Stolas were flouncy dresses held together at the shoulders by golden rings called fibulae (Lewis 2). Stolas could also be embroidered with nature-inspired images like fruit, leaves, and flowers (Lewis 4). If a woman was extremely wealthy, she wore a palla over her stola (Roman Dress 7). A palla was much like a shawl. If a woman wore a palla, it was considered a privilege and

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