
The Importance Of Routine Activities Theory

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Anderson’s narrative also presents evidence for what theorists have called the routine activities theory. A subsection of rational choice, routine activities theory proposes that for a crime to be committed, there must be three elements present: a motivated offender, a suitable victim or target, and the absence of a capable guardian (Akers et al, 2013; Ministry of Children and Youth Services, n.d.). As previously stated, offenders can be inspired toward crime through any number of ‘rational’ motives. The fact that there are limited guardians, evidenced by the belief that many people hold that the “police and the public officials don’t care about their communities” (Anderson, p 27) added to the ability of offenders to identify a ‘chump’ or easy target, there is evidence that routine activities theory may an applicable theory to crime in the inner-city. There are little to no inferences in Anderson’s Code of the streets to biological or psychological explanations for violence or crime. Biological or biosocial theorists believed that criminal behavior can be attributed to the physiological attributes of an offender, therefore making it possible for those predisposed to criminality to be identified (Akers et al., 2013; Biological theories, n.d.; Horn, 2003). Psychological theories of criminology similarly posit that it is a psychological condition, arrested childhood development, or traumatic damage that is the cause of an individual’s criminal actions (Akers et al., 2013).

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