
The Importance Of Scientific Misconceptions

Decent Essays

Scientific misconceptions are commonly held beliefs about science that has no basis in actual scientific fact. Consequently, scientific misconceptions are also based off of preconceived notions developed through religious and/or cultural influences. Researchers Isabelle, Millham and Cunha developed an interchangeable phrase for misconceptions called alternate conceptions, “conveying respect for learners’ prior knowledge and personal experiences,” (2014). As a result of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) educators are starting to realize the value of misconception in relation to student’s building their own scientific knowledge. Student’s are able to increase their understanding of the world around them through exploration or “sense-making.” By sense-making educators are facilitating meaningful lessons that are dependent on student and authoritative ideas in a way that involves students into their own learning. Through this student are encouraged to “talk about their own thinking, compare ideas, to test these ideas, and to see if they can be used to explain natural events and processes,” (Campbell 2016). Educators and researchers are realizing that today’s students have been offered explanations about the world around them that is inconsistent with actual scientific fact. Due to this realization, we as educators are given a challenge. Misconceptions need to be eliminated and replaces with the correct scientific facts. Stating that common misconceptions need to be

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