
The Importance Of Semiotics To The Cultural Aspects Of Philosophy

Decent Essays


In the Introduction, the philosophy of quantum physics and the philosophy of educology will be characterized in respect to five established cultural aspects of philosophy , i.e. in respect to the aspects:

(1) of ontology as philosophy of what exists,
(2) of metaphysics as philosophy of what exists and is real,
(3) of epistemology as philosophy of what knowledge is,
(4) of logic as philosophy of inquiry entailing an epistemology,
(5) of axiology philosophy of what value,

and, in respect;

to semiotics as the science of the semiosical process, whereas the semiosical process is a naturally and culturally determined socially oriented process, involving symbols as to their meanings (symbol-meaning) and signs as to their significance (sign-significance).

The Importance of Semiotics to the Cultural Aspects of Philosophy

From the perspective of the author of this paper, semiotics is the science of the semiosical process, whereas the semiosical process entails what is alluded to when John Dewey states that:

“I shall. . . connect sign and significance [sign-significance], symbol and meaning [symbol-meaning], respectively, with each other, in order to have terms to designate two different kinds of representative capacity. Linguistically, the choice of terms is more or less arbitrary, although sign and significance have a common verbal root. This consideration is of no importance, however, compared with the necessity of having some words by which to

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