
The Importance Of Social Constructionism On Sexuality

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Social construction has been an extremely influential and hot debating topic in the past century. It is a term where everyone almost has heard but quite a few actually understand. The social constructionist perspective on sexuality, on the other hand, began to rise during the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Every social constructionist has their own approach to sexuality. Thinkers such as Gary Kinsman, Fausto-Sterling both discussed their approach towards social constructionism on sexuality. (Missing out thesis statement, not sure how to write it) Social Constructionism is the belief that society agrees upon definitions of categories, and how we are taught to fit into these categories. It is referring to the way we create meaning through social interaction with others. Also, it is the view of thought looks at our life and reality tries to see what is truly exist, and what is only exist because we say it is. For instance, money is just tinted papers and metals that have no value other than we have assigned them. They only exist because when we give them a reality and value through social agreement so therefore we can use them to purchase goods with. Besides, there are many things in our life that we experience only exist because we have created them. Take language, for example, it is created as a patterned system of communication and reflecting our social context. It follows that language is culturally appointed. The categories and the pattern of language, therefore reflect

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