
The Importance Of Stereotyping In Society

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Stereotyping has occurred since Amelia Earhart single handedly flew across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, since Chien-Shiung Wu, the “Queen of Nuclear Research”, contributed heavily to the process of separating uranium metal into isotopes by means of gaseous diffusion, and ever since Marilyn Monroe empowered girls all around by her courage and words of wisdom. These famous women have lived through sexist stereotyping as do women currently. Haley Bryd, a congressional reporter for Independent Journal Review, was ruthlessly kicked out of the Speaker's lobby because she was wearing a sleeveless dress in summer. She was simply crossing the hall. In the American state of North Carolina, a woman cannot withdraw consent and call subsequent actions rape. She is legally allowed to be raped. On a positive note, there are writers such as Kathryn Stockett, author of The Help, and Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on Mango Street, who spread awareness about this degradation. Each wordsmith illustrates that young, middle aged, and elderly women are being oppressed due to female stereotypes. While each of these characters seemingly has very little in common with the other one, both must fight against discrimination in society. The two authors use the struggles of their female characters to administer the cruel inequality of gender stereotypes to society, thus motivating feminist supporters to disrupt the societal expectations set against all women. Eugenia ‘Skeeter” Phelan from The Help

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