
The Importance Of Sustainable Water Practices For The Development Of Cambodia ( World Health Organization )

Decent Essays

Sustainability is the “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Water is a principal compound for human life across the globe. Although there is of 1.4×109 km3 of Water on Earth, only 0.37% of that is drinkable (Murphy, 2004). The inability to access this clean water then causes water borne diseases, particularly in poorer nations, such as Cambodia where only 14% of the population has access to drinkable water (Brinkley, 2011). This is then the reasoning behind the 3.4million deaths annually by water borne diseases within the developing world (World Health organisation, 2001). As 70L of water/day …show more content…

Some assumptions made within this report are that clean water is safely stored and does not impact on the water purification systems ability. Also, the correct use off the device is assumed.
2.1 Design
There are seven components to a biosand filter design. These are; the lid, diffuser, sand layer, outlet tube, filter body, gravel layer and the separated gravel layer (Cawst, 2009). All of these components all contribute to the purification of water. The purpose of the lid is to protect the water from any external contamination. The diffuser is a plastic sheet with holes drilled into it and protects the biolayer while the water is being poured in (CDC, 2014). This is achieved through slowing down the rate of the water. The third component is the sand layer and this removes any suspended solids within the water. This is able to occur through the use of mechanical trapping and the solids being trapped in between the grains of sand (Cawst, 2009). The separating gravel layer is purely placed in the filter to support the sand layer on top while the drainage gravel layer’s purpose is to support the flow of water into the outlet tube. The use of bigger rocks is used for this drainage layer to prevent smaller rocks accessing this outlet tube (Cawst, 2009). The outlet tube brings the water from the bottom of the

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