
The Importance Of Technology In The Classroom

Decent Essays

In today’s generation, more and more children are receiving cell phones before the age of 12. The use of cell phones in schools today are not just for texting and social media but as teaching aids. In the past there were not a vast amount of technology or cell phones but a lot has changed in the last 20 years. More and more classrooms today have many different forms of technology that is used to give students the best form of education. In schools, today there is access for many classrooms to have iPads, laptops, smartphones, and projectors in the classroom. The teachers are becoming more lenient toward the ideas of having technology within the class. The access to technology in the classrooms allows students to learn in many different ways. I believe that we as educators need to stop telling our students to put their phones away so much and allow them to use the item that their eyes are glued on to enhance their learning.
Technology has made its way to center stage with everything that we do even our education. Technology today plays a vital part in every classroom. I believe that technology in the classroom is an important aspect in the education field because it allows students to be different and unique. Technology also allows our students to be as creative as they can be by creating a different outlook on anything they want to research.
Cellphones, everyone has them and everyone loves them. Cell phones can be many things a Calculator, a Tracker, a way to communicate

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