
The Importance Of The Bombing Of Cologne

Decent Essays

Bombings of Cologne and Dresden

The bombings that took place in the 1940's caused grave destruction for not only families but significant amounts of Cologne and Dresden themselves. Each bombing had reasonings and that resulted in drastic effects for Germany.

Before Cologne was bombed it had much significance in the eyes of the people that made a living in the city and had lived there their whole life. Back in the Battle of Bulge the Germans were forced out of France and in turn they used up all their reserves. Although the British and the Americans were closing in on the Rhine River, the Germans were not about to let them take yet another piece of land from them. This was how the city of Cologne came to be, Cologne stretched on …show more content…

Too many it signified the alliance the Germans had with many others individual kingdoms and countries. Another piece of significance the building provides is from its architecture, the architecture of the Cathedral represents the unification of Germany. The background information and the significance of the cathedral itself and what it meant to many did not stop the Allies from dropping a great number of aerial bombs on and all around the cathedral trying to create terror and destruction. May 30, 1942 was the last day the city of Cologne was going to see their home and their city in its normal state before it fell in the hands of the British. At approximately twelve fifteen the bombs started falling from overhead. The sirens and the alarms startled the home owners and the families living in Cologne. The planes above were not only dropping bombs but utilizing machine guns to ensure extra destruction. Not long after the attack started did many apartment buildings and department stores become engulfed with flames. This was also when military targets became irrelevant to the british bombers and they started to target not only the heart of the city but the main parts of the city that

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