
The Importance Of The Gospel

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To Paul the gospel is not just a message of salvation. To him it has life changing power. Through many of Paul’s letters he has highlighted the importance of the gospel. Using Romans, Galatians, and Corinthians, Paul has shown us that the gospel (a.k.a. Good News) is all centered around Jesus. The gospel that Paul preached in Romans states that “the Good News is about his Son” (Romans 1:3). The gospel is part of the trinity (1:2-3), and it is foretold in the scriptures. Paul states this in Romans 1:2 “God promised this Good News long ago….” Written for everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike. His gospel is a calling to everyone, reminding us that we have the authority to tell “what God has done….” Calling everyone to salvation, service, and a change in lifestyle to live like a Christian. He also preached that Christians need to live a life full of obedience. The gospel reveals that the Good News is the “Power of God at work, saving who believes…” (1:16-17). Paul is able to have boldness because of the power of the message itself. Paul teaches us in the first two chapters of his letter that his gospel is Christ Crucified. He reveals that God is the source of his gospel (1:11-12). Instead of being taught a law-free gospel as others have been. God revealed the gospel to him, showing that the gospel does not consist of the old Jewish laws. His gospel taught us that through faith we can receive the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit is able to work miracles because of our belief.

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