
The Importance Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community

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Family and community assets is anything which is shared within the community by the families in that community. A shared asset can be a mosque, community center, library, treatment centers, etc. which is there for the families within that community. Most neighborhoods have a community center which families bring their children, to play sports and to participate in activities held within the community. In the Muslim community, the mosques built within that community. Is built for the families within that community, to pray and to do their worshipping.
“The Masjid (mosque) t welcomes everyone, day or night, summer or winter, requiring no application form or permission, and it does not turn anyone away be they young or old, male or female, Muslim or non-Muslim, black or white Arab or Non-Arab. Entry into the Masjid does not require any fee, insurance, or any permission. There are no hindrances, no obstacles, nor does the Masjid differentiate between the laymen and a scholar, nor between a ruler and a subject, nor between a wealthy and a poor person” (Mabdullah 2013) .
Modern mosques have many services in addition to prayer. For the youth, there are courses, activities for the youth to partake in. Growing up, I attended a nearby mosque every weekend from 9am-1pm for dugsi ( Islamic studies). My mother took me to the mosque to be closer to the religion. This is something most Muslim families do, to keep their children away from going astray. In the Islam drugs and alcohol are

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