
The Importance Of The Nurse And William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Importance of the Nurse and Friar Laurence Have you ever had a friend or family member that you were or still are close with them? Almost closer to them than your to your own parents? Romeo and Juliet have these people in their life. Romeo and Juliet was a play written by Shakespeare in 1995. It tells the story of two star crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s parents are quite distant from her, but thankfully Juliet has a very kind and helpful maid. It does not say much or anything on Romeo’s parents, but he has a very friendly and intelligent friend. The relationship between the nurse with Juliet, and Friar Laurence with Romeo is important because they care and love them, and they support them. Romeo and Juliet have very few people they can trust, but the nurse and Friar Laurence are not one of them. The nurse cared and loved Juliet, just as much as Friar Laurence did for Romeo. After the incident when Juliet’s father was furious with her for not wanting to marrying Paris, the nurse was there to comfort Juliet and offer her advice. The advice the nurse gave Juliet was, “Faith, here it is. you no use of him” (Shakespeare. 3.5.215-27). She was encouraging Juliet to marry Paris. With the help of the nurses judgement, Juliet went to Friar Laurence and they constructed a plan to fake Juliet’s death so she could be with Romeo. The nurse could have been on Juliet’s father's side and left Juliet, but she didn’t because she loves Juliet and knows that she goes

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