
The Importance Of Trauma In Adolescents

Decent Essays

Specific Population With my degree, I plan on working with adolescents. It is a group that I feel I can be successful working with. I have some background in teaching younger children. They are a group that can be viewed as difficult, but I believe I will be very successful with the knowledge I will have under my belt. While working with this group, there will be numerous of issues and presenting problems that I will have to understand and learn how to help these clients work with these issues. One issue in particular is trauma. There are several ways to experience trauma. Many people experience trauma so it is important that I understand what trauma is and how it can be experienced. Once I understand trauma, I can find ways to provide appropriate treatment to those that come to me because they are experiencing some sort of trauma. Trauma Defined "Trauma is defined by the American Psychological Association(APA) as the emotional response someone has to an extremely negative event"(Adams, n.d.). It is our reaction to horrible events. These reactions are normal, but effects can interfere with …show more content…

There are different sources from which people can experience the trauma. Sources include, but are not limited to: "rape, domestic violence, natural disasters, severe illness or injury, the death of a loved one, and witnessing an act of violence"(Adams, n.d.). Trauma can be experienced short or long-term. There are also signs of trauma that professionals like my future self should look for in their clients. The client might be disoriented or even appear shaken. They also might not exactly respond to a conversation they way they normally would which could show them appearing as if they are withdrawn. Anxiety is also a common sign of someone who has experienced trauma. These are all examples of things to look for in a client that could have experienced some sort of traumatic

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