
The Importance Of Vaccination

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Within the good of humanity there is a global cause to better the health and wellness of people, no matter what race, religion, or ethnicity those people may be. Global organizations, like the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have implemented specific programs to help anyone around the globe deal with any issues. These issues vary from education to a sustainable food source to even vaccinations, which plays a major role in the health of a person. Vaccinations are essentially a training course for the immune system. They prep the body to fight a disease, but the vaccine does not expose people to that specific, targeted disease (Pappas, 2010). The body will build a substantial resistance to that specific virus so that, when a person is exposed to the virus, the body will fight and kill the virus before it invades the immune system. Vaccinations have prolonged life expectancy and have given us a healthier life to live. Vaccines are widely known to help and save lives on this earth. Immunization of humans have saved an estimated 25 million children from dying each year (Wilson, 2010). An estimated 85% of the world’s children also receive vaccines (Offit, 2014), meaning 15% of children in the world have not received vaccination. The threat of diseases is still out there, and it is a prominent threat. There are currently 19.5 million infants over one worldwide miss out on essential vaccines (WHO, 2017), while 22 million infants younger than one also

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