
The Importance Of Voting In Texas

Decent Essays

Texas remains a large state with masses of diversity in addition. Despite all the Texas greatness and large land there remains one issue that stays still not immense in, which is voting. Surprisingly, only twenty-two percent of Texans vote. Furthermore, Texas is positioned second to last with the lowest voting rate. There exist plenty of reasons Texas has such a minimal voter turnout rate. One reason mentioned in the Texas Civil Health Index “transpires Texas demographic” (Texas 20). In addition, another reason befalls that people actually believe that their vote doesn’t matter. Finally, a third reason stands that people ensue uneducated. Voting will transform our lives, if citizens just speak up everything will be just the way Texans want it. Texans need to benefit of their freedom and not let only segment of the state control our appeals and needs. It is essential to vote; that will be the only way our voice could be heard; it …show more content…

An understanding why Texans might sense this way, endure as they believe that ballots manipulate the votes; their vote will not actually count. Texans lost faith, and hope that there will ever be adjusted; and that they will be on a waiting list until they fix their proposals. On the other hand another reason stated in the TCHI is, “Texans reported being overmuch lazy, leading them to not having time to vote” (Texas 21). People do not realize voting thrives in being important for our lives. It changes the quality of life we have. Lastly, another reason people do not vote is simple; they are not educated. They don’t understand how the government system works. TCHI tells that “Texans were not aware about even voting” (Texas 21). Most Texans are not informed about what the politicians are offering either. This will result in an overwhelming feeling for whom they will be voting. This is why it is essential being informed and educated about

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