
The Importance Of Voting In The United States

Decent Essays

International studies shows us how the world is webbed together. It combines economics and government as well as other important issues. I learned about voting in other countries. How Native Americans on reservations lives are dramatically different then the rest of South Dakota, and how refugees have to suffer without a end in sight. In 1832 roughly 57.6% of the total United States Population voted in the presidential election. This percentage contented to rise until 1876 when a record high of 81.8%. Since then the percentage has hung around the 40% to 50% mark. The 2016 election was estimated that 55.5% voted. Belgium, Sweden, South Korea, and Denmark all have voting turnouts in the 80%. America is often referred to as the poster child for democracy. President Obama stated “We’re the only advanced democracy in the world that makes it harder for people to vote”. But in all honesty registering to vote 15 days before isn’t that hard. In some countries if you are a citizen you are automatically registered to vote. This could possibly take out a huge step in the process. Many people would like to vote, but miss registration. Besides voter registration many people believe that it is just a lack of interest. Others …show more content…

It seems that Native Americans have gotten the rotten half of most deals. It’s difficult for the United States to get involved, because they don’t want to be to controlling. I could see myself specifically focusing on protecting women and education. The scary thing is that most of the violence came from no tribal members. I would advocate for better trained tribal police. As well as creating a hotline for women to call. Visiting a couple of different reservations in the past couple of years. I would like to better South Dakota and it’s history, by helping the Native Americans that we co-inhabit this state with. They deserve the same rights that we

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