
The Importance of Australian Fossils

Decent Essays

Since the beginning of time our Earth has experienced many changes, these changes affected Australian biota whether it be in a positive or negative way. The study of Australian fossils contributes to the development of understanding the evolution of species in Australia in many different ways, such as seeing changes in physical appearance of species, and possible reasons why the species evolved into what they did, when and why a certain species may have become extinct and evidence/proof of theories such as natural selection. Each of these goes hand in hand and helps us find out what our Earth would have been like millions of years ago.

Fossils are the remains of either a plant or animal that lived in prehistoric times, the fossil is usually found preserved into rock. Fossils show us the steps of evolution that life has taken until today. When we trace fossil records back we can start to understand how species have progressed and what they appeared to look like. We can then compare (if the species still exists) what changes they have undertaken by using the fossils as a source. From that proof we can also compare the prehistoric biota with modern day biota and consider possible relatives. As well as being a window to the past, the remains of flora and fauna let us predict how Australian biota may evolve in future.

Fossils grant us opportunity of understanding about species which no longer exist on Earth- that are extinct. The prehistoric remains inform us about plants and

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