
Essay on The Importance of Social Relationships in Child Development

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Social relationships are going to be crucial in the life of any child, for personal fulfillment. We are convinced that these relationships , along with education that will enable the development of the child throughout his life.

When you mention education you necessarily must refer to the educational institution and the different elements that are involved in the teaching and learning process as students , family and social environment that surrounds it. The school offers students the opportunity to acquire skills, knowledge , attitudes and habits that promote the maximum use of their skills and helps to neutralize the harmful effects of an unfavorable family and social environment . The study on "school social climate," if the rules are …show more content…

Communication and relationships are two elements that are integrated into a single binomial. Therefore possess good skills in relationships with others determines the quality of our life. To achieve this it is necessary that our relationships are natural, without misunderstandings and conflict and all this is achieved correctly knowing converse with others. To the extent that a person relates appropriately with others, receives positive social reinforcement , which raises their self-esteem. And it’s acquired through learning in an ongoing process of interaction with other people.

These skills can be learned, and can range from simple to complex , including Wave, smile, make favors, ask favors , make friends, express feelings , express opinions , defend their rights, start -hold- end conversations, etc.

The socialization process is carried primarily by the family , who started the process for the formation of social skills, who emphasizes continuous school and forced to develop more complex and specific skills, simultaneously with this development itself acts or steps student life and student and holds an important position the relationships established with the peer group.

The school must go beyond the dimensions on the traditional role of the school reaching a global vision and commitment of its functions to the education of the future citizen of a society that needs and wants to be better, more fair and balanced.

Some aspects that favour in social

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